We've had some gorgeous hot weather over the past few weeks - not that I'm complaining, but I think my garden might if it could speak!
I've had a few good little harvests from my tiny garden so far - the biggest success must have been my 2 bins of potatoes. I planted 3 seeds in each, and had a lovely yeild of about 35 from each, which equates to around 10 per seed. On the down side, as they were all earlies, they were all ready around the same time, which means they've almost all gone already. I think next year, I will try some different varieties, and so make them last a little longer.
Little Gem Lettuce |
I have also had an abundance of lettuce - again, I didn't do well with timings when I planted the seeds, so I ended up with 4 all at once, and am now waiting for another 2 which won't be ready for a couple of weeks at least! Next year, I need to be more organised with that too.
As always, my mint is thriving, I now have 3 pots which have grown from one original plant my dad gave my about 3 years ago. I also have had some success with chives and basil.
I dug up my garlic just before I wnt on holiday a couple of weeks ago, and that is now drying out nicely in my shed. Looking forward to tasting that - I have already eaten the scarps, which used in salads and sandwiches - they were loveley, a nice blend of garlic and spring onion.
Savoy Cabbages |
My cabages ar begining to fatten out nicely, and should make a lovely meal or two during the winter, as with the leeks, which are also doing really well.
None of the beetroots (2 varieties) which I planted twice(!) emerged. I think that the minute they sprouted, the birds had them, despite my efforts to net them. I need to start the seedlings indoors next year, and give them much better protection.
Dwarf French Beans, Twinkle in background! |
Mange Tout |
My peas and beans are just starting to produce. We had our first small batch with Sunday lunch yesterday. Delicious! I thought that the dwarf french beans were going to fail, as they took ages to start producing, so I planted an additional 'Twinkle' pea, which is now sharing the space. Hopefully, they will be happy doing so as I'm looking forward to the pleaseure of shelling those peas!
Chillis |
My chilli plants have quite a few green fruits on them - for some reason, they are much darker one one plant that the other. But they are a good size, so I will leave them to do their thing and hopefully will be able to enjoy them over the coming months.
My 7 tomato plants are all starting to bear fruit, I picked 3 lovely red fruits yesterday - should get some good ones if the buds are anything to go by.
So, lots going on, quite a bit growing, and a few lessons for next year. I thought I'd planned well enough, but I need to get stuff to fill gaps as they emerge.
How are your gardens doing?