25 May 2019

May Update

Everything is now planted out, with the exception of a few spares. Here's what the garden looks like right now.

2 pots of carrots, Heritage and Nantes. About 15 in each, and have sown another pot of Nantes this week.

My Chocolate Cherry tomatoe - a new variety for me, bought as a plant from a garden centre.

Onions - some doing better than others, this one is by far the largest.

A small row of radishes - these failed last year, so hoping for better results this year.

Some spare leeks, I also have some in the ground. These always seem to do really well in the garden, so not worried about these.

One of the varieties of cabage - these do take up a lot of space, but despite that, I really wanted to grow them as I haven;t done well with them in the past, and am determined to prove myself wrong!

1 of my lettuce got eaten before I had chance to cover it properly. I currently have 3, and have some seedlings inside to fill gaps. I have seen images of other growers' who seem to be ahead of me with their lettuce, but I'm hoping these will catch up quickly.

Peas, starting to speed up in their growth now.

Potatoes, doing very well as usual.