23 June 2023

2023 so far

So far, this season is going ok - of course, there are a few failures, but on the whole I'm pleased with how it's going.

I'm trying harder this year to plant successional crops, so that I can have a longer growing and harvesting season, and that's working, but I can already see where I can improve next year. I also have realised that I need to work harder to control pests, as there has been a lot of slug damage and I haven't got enough protection to deal with it.

The biggest successes are:

Dwarf French beans - I have 4 plants in a ceramic pot, and they are growing extremely well. There is a little bit of bird damage, but the plants are producing. And the beans that come off them are absolutely delicious - tender and flavourful - nothing like shop-bought.

Mangetout - Initially I planted 2 back in about March, and then I sowed 3 more in between once they were established, around end of April/start of May. These are producing lovely peas - and they are a huge hit with Emily, who is picking them and eating them like sweets when she's playing in the garden!

Strawberries - I have a whole row of pots with strawberries - 2 or 3 have produced large sweet fruits, and some of the others have only grown tiny little ones - I don't know the varieties. I think at the end of the season, I'll get rid of the little ones as they're not worth it, and keep any runners that the bigger ones produce in separate pots, so they don't get mixed up. I want fewer plants, that produce bigger fruit, ideally. I also plan on getting a tower-planter for the strawberries next year, to save space.

Some wait-and-see's...

Tomatoes - In pots, I have 3 cherry toms, and 3 plum toms. The cherries are beginning to produce a few fruit, but the plums are much smaller plants, and are only just beginning to flower. I'm not sure why they are behind - perhaps it's just the variety, or maybe they are not meant for outdoors. Time will tell.

Carrots - I sowed a rectangular planter with Paris Market carrots, which are a ball variety. Slugs have decimated more than half or them, and I've had to raise the tub onto the table to try and offer some protection. I don't know if they'll be worth the space, there are only less than 20 left. Might make a meal, if I'm lucky.

Potatoes - 2 large tubs of potatoes, with 4 tubers in each (Maris Piper variety). The birds have started to strip the leaves, and I have no way of protecting them. I don't know if it's the location - might put them somewhere more sheltered next year. They do still look good enough, though, I think we will get something from them.

The Paris Market carrots - eaten by slugs

Mangetout, looking lush

French beans - tender and delicious

Cherry tomatoes starting to fruit

A view of the planter, plus potatoes and beans in the background